
Donate to MPL

Financial Donations:  checks can be written to the Milford Public Library and mailed to 330 Family Dr., Milford, MI or dropped off in person. In addition, financial donations can be made by using our PayPal donation button.
Gifts of books, books on cd, music cds and other materials are accepted by the library on a conditional basis. Materials should be published within the last five years, clean, undamaged, and free of odors and mildew. The library cannot accept donations of textbooks, back issues of magazines, newspapers, Reader's Digest condensed books, records or musical cassette tapes. Donated materials may be added to the collection or forwarded to the Friends of the Library for the "Friendly Finds" Bookstore. Items not suitable for the library's collection or for the bookstore may be discarded, recycled or donated to other organizations.